Rathjen Family

Rathjen Family
Rathjen, Party of EIGHT

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Together Again!

Trigg and Ivor have been reunited! We got word this week that they are finally back together. It did not look like a very happy reunion but from what we gather, Trigg was done posing for photo's and Ivor is a sympathy crier. Apparently, if someone is upset, he assumes they must have pretty good reason!

Sevenly.org is an orphan advocacy group and this week they are highlighting Love Without Boundaries. As you all know, I am over the moon for LWB. So, if you would like to support their cause, and take part in orphan awareness, while looking super cute-GET YOUR SHIRT. I have put a link along the left column.

We are getting closer friends, closer every day!




  1. The boys are adorable!! Love the picture of them!!

    I already bought 2 shirts- couldn't decide which one I liked best!! Hmmmm, maybe I should get all three?

    So excited that you are getting closer to your boys!!

  2. Misty - our daughter is at Heartbridge with your boys. We leave on Wednesday to bring her home. I'd love to connect with you before we depart. ToChinaWeGo@gmail.com Our blog is chinawego.blogspot.com

